Christmas Worship 2017
Sunday, 12/24/17

Sunday, 12/24/17
The annual Lessons & Carols service, this year held at 10:45 Christmas Eve morning, is a wonderful time of worship as the Christmas story is told through Scripture and song. This is a great service for family and friends, particularly for those who may otherwise not feel comfortable in a traditional church setting.
Central's beloved family worship service begins at 5pm, and features the Children's Christmas Pageant. Join us as our children help tell the story of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Is your child interested in participating in the pageant or Angel Choir?
At 7pm and again at 9pm, Central offers traditional candlelight services. Your family will love these beautiful worship services, complete with our full choir, string and brass ensembles.
There are several parking options available for our guests and members. Please visit our parking page for details and maps.
Please park remotely if possible. Reserving space in the church garage for our guests, those with mobility challenges, families with children, and our elderly will be a tremendous blessing. Thank you!