Central Concert Series

"Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee: How Great Thou Art!"

The soul is the deepest part of our humanity. When we encounter true goodness and beauty, our soul responds with joy towards the Creator. Through this season of concerts at Central, we present music centered on this idea, with artists presenting solo and chamber music works connected to personal stories and transformational missions. Our two choral masterworks serve as pillars for the year, anticipating Christmas with Bach’s exuberant Magnificat, and reflecting on Easter with Duruflé’s transcendent Requiem. Through each concert event, we will highlight the beauty of truth in musical form. By catching a glimpse of a transformed world, our souls will rejoice in God as the author and creator.

Our concerts are intended to be shared blessings to our community. We invite you, your family, and anyone in your reach to come and experience these concerts, so that all may receive a renewed vision of redemption and hope in Christ.

Grace and Peace,

A. Matthew Mazzoni

Director of Music Ministry
Central Presbyterian Church

The Central Concert Series exists at the intersection of faith and the arts and is supported solely by donations. Empower the arts by making a contribution at any time to Central Presbyterian Church c/o Concert Series.

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View Calendar

The Mazzoni Duo

FRI | Oct 25 | 7:30pm

Celebrating ten years of ministry at Central, Matthew and Jennifer Mazzoni present an evening of classical masterworks alongside their own stories about music, life, and faith. In weaving their experiences together with musical highlights, they aim to tell a greater story of God’s faithfulness that will be impactful to all. Learn more...


Christmas at Central featuring Bach Magnificat

FRI | Dec 13 | 7:30pm

“My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” These exuberant words proclaim the message of Christmas expressed through the brilliant and festive music of J. S. Bach’s Magnificat. Central’s choirs, orchestra, bells, and brass will perform this masterwork along with music and carols that give us a renewed perspective of hope and joy for the Christmas season. Learn more...


Ariel Chamber Series Players

SUN | Feb 2 | 3:30pm  Postponed

The Ariel Chamber Series returns to continue its mission of sharing the beauty of classical music with the Saint Louis community as a redemptive response to our stressful world. Exciting and engaging chamber works, including Mozart’s Flute Quartet in D Major and Mendelssohn’s Piano Trio in D Minor, will be performed by the string players from the Ariel Series joined by Central’s own Jennifer and Matthew Mazzoni.


Mia Chung, pianist  

FRI | FEB 28 | 7:30pm

As an award-winning concert pianist, educator, writer, and spokesperson for music, Mia Chung has performed extensively on stage, on air, and online, engaging listeners from around the world. Bringing her performances and message to some of the world’s greatest forums, her hope is to draw people’s imaginations to music’s transformative power and highlight its vital place in the center of public life. This concert is presented in collaboration with The Carver Project. Learn more...



Lenten Evensong: Duruflé Requíem

FRI | APR 11 | 7:30pm

Ancient words and melodies form the foundation of this reflective experience, as the transcendent and mystical Duruflé Requíem will be the centerpiece of a service of Christian evening prayer. Performed by Central’s Chancel Choir and orchestra, this music has the power to meet us in our present moment and to present to us a powerful vision of eternity. Learn more...