Authentic Manhood

Thursday, 9/7/23 at 7:00pm

About the Event

Men's MinistrySmall Groups

What does it mean to be a man? The world’s answers continue to grow more confusing and unclear, but Jesus is the model of manhood that is more meaningful and more true to our Creator’s design than the world’s stereotypes and mixed messages.

How we follow Jesus as men of God? One way to learn is to join men from Central in studying the Authentic Manhood video series together. This series begins Thursday, September 7, and meets weekly from 7:00-8:30 p.m., Sept. 7-Nov. 30 (no class on Nov. 23) at Central Pres. in the Parlor.

In each session of the Authentic Manhood study, we view a 30-minute video lesson and then engage in small group discussion to help us understand and apply what we’re learning and to experience the strength of linking arms with others who walk with us on the journey of being transformed by God’s grace into the likeness of Christ together.

The first six-week unit, “A Man and His Design” presents principles of godly manhood drawn from biblical accounts of creation and the life of Jesus. The second six-week unit, “A Man and His Story,” explores the impact of our personal and family history and the liberating grace of God that helps us grow by healing wounds and breaking patterns of sin.

There are workbooks for each unit, and the cost is $10 each. Please bring cash or a check made out to Central Presbyterian Church or pay electronically via the registration form.

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