Growing Together
Sunday, 11/24/24 at 10:00am
Sunday, 11/24/24 at 10:00am
Sunday School
Leaders: Pastor Cole Lescher, Carl and Amanda Lothman, Missy Morgan
Guest teacher Brad Wos is leading a study of a Christian view of work. Brad works with former Central senior pastor Dan Doriani for the Center for Faith and Work St. Louis, and this study draws upon themes from Doriani’s book Work That Makes a Difference. It focuses on God’s good purposes for work, the corruption and suffering that human sin causes in work, and the ways that God’s salvation in Christ Jesus can guide and transform us to become faithful workers who embody God’s work in bringing life, provision, and justice for others in our labor and service for the sake of the world.
Brad Wos worked in business development for Citibank and Panera and then served as a missionary in South Africa for 14 years where he worked in campus ministry and sports chaplaincy. His soccer coaching experience opened doors to train coaches as missionary church planters and to chaplaincy work for the FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Olympics. Brad is ordained in the Evangelical Free Church and has directed church planting efforts with multicultural churches. Brad graduated from Covenant Theological Seminary with both M.Div. (2005) and D.Min. (2024) degrees and now works with Ambassador City Church and the Faith & Work Center St. Louis in a multicultural movement among foreign-born citizens in St. Louis in church planting and training international leaders in faith-based work in the marketplace.
For more information, please contact Pastor Cole.