A Study of Repentance and Growth (Combined Adult Sunday School)

Sunday, 3/30/25 at 10:00am

About the Event

ChildcareSunday School

10:00–11:00 a.m.

Location: fellowship hall

Leaders: Multiple Staff

A Study of Repentance and Growth


The whole Christian life is a process of repentance, which means to turn away from sin so that we can turn toward Christ with faith and obedience. This study will examine obstacles to repentance both in the pressures of the world around us and in sinful responses within us, as well as false forms of repentance that we attempt to substitute for true transformation. We will study how the saving work of God in Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit makes repentance possible and how we can practice repentance with the support of the church by confessing sin, seeking repair, and cultivating habits of life that put sin to death.


  • Week 1 (March 9) - Obstacles to Repentance
  • Week 2 (March 16) - Foundation of Repentance: The Saving Work of Jesus
  • Week 3 (March 23) - False Forms of Repentance and Holiness
  • Week 4 (March 30) - Practices of Repentance
  • Week 5 (April 6) - Case Studies of Repentance

Missed last week's study, catch the replay HERE: https://vimeo.com/showcase/lentstudy

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