The Holy Week Experience
Sunday, 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Central Presbyterian Church is excited to announce the return of the Holy Week Experience! This immersive...
We partner with parents to shepherd children and students (ages 8 weeks through high school) in living out their identity as members of the body of Christ. In all we do, we strive to provide a fun, kid-friendly environment where your children feel safe and encouraged as they learn about Jesus.
To make sure your are kept up to date, register your family by clicking the link below.
Are you a new or expecting parent? We would love to celebrate with you and help however we can. Please contact our Family Ministry Welcome Team for information about a meal train, the nursery, resources for nursing moms, and more!
Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights at Central are a great time for kids! Your family will have fun as they learn about Jesus in a safe, encouraging environment where kids can connect with their peers and feel like they belong, to know and be known, and be accepted by the grace of Christ. On Sunday mornings, we also offer Children's Worship, designed to help kids experience worship songs, hearing God's word, and prayer at an age-appropriate level. After worshiping with their family during the first part of the service, kids ages 3-years through Kindergarten will be invited to join our leaders at the front of the sanctuary. After the sermon, the kids return to the sanctuary to meet their parents. Learn more in the "Kids" section below on this page.
Central's Student Ministry helps middle and high schoolers take joy in their own lives and the lives of others as they understand how much God takes joy in them, simply because he created them. In our weekly large and small groups we discuss and wrestle with the core truths of the Gospel and their impact on our lives. Throughout the year, various camps, retreats, and service projects get us out of our routines and give us a chance to grow together in these purposes. To learn more, visit the Student Ministry page.
On Sunday mornings, the nursery is open during all three hours, the two church services and the Sunday school hour. Your 8 week – 3 year old may stay with us while you attend an adult Sunday school class, one of our two services, or volunteer on campus. Our carefully screened nursery staff provide a safe and loving environment where your child will be well cared for, play, sing, and hear a Bible story.
PEEPs is Central Presbyterian Church’s early education program that cares for and educates children from 8 weeks old to Pre-K. Children not only play and socialize with other children their age, but are also taught developmentally appropriate Biblically and academically based lessons by loving Christian staff. Our PEEPs staff is caring, qualified, and carefully screened.
We LOVE having children in our worship services! To make it a little easier for families to worship together on Sunday mornings, Children's Worship is offered (but very optional) during the sermon time for ages 3 years through Kindergarten. The purpose of Children's Worship is to provide worship training through an age-appropriate focus on the elements of worship: Call to Worship, Corporate Prayer, Hearing of the Word, Response to the Word, and Doxology. How does it work? Just before the sermon time, the liturgist invites children to join the Children's Worship leaders at the front of the sanctuary. Before sending your child to Children's Worship, please place a Children's Worship name tag on your child, providing your child's name and parent's cell number. Nametags can be found in the pews or sanctuary entrances. The Children's Worship leaders will return the children to the sanctuary after the sermon is over. Contact our Family Ministry Leaders with questions by clicking on the link below.
Central Christian School is a ministry of Central Presbyterian Church and is located near the church campus at 700 South Hanley Road in Clayton. Educating children ages 3 through 6th Grade, our vision and mission is to be a Gospel-driven, academically excellent learning community for each unique image-bearer of God. We partner with families to prepare children to engage the world by instilling a passion for God, a love of truth, and a zeal to serve. Serving a beautifully diverse and connected community, the families of Central Christian School represent 40+ zip codes and 70+ church congregations. Through our curriculum and classroom cultures, we desire to graduate students who will influence and impact culture, engage humanity, and offer solutions to real-world problems – all to the glory of God.
At Central, Team Family - our staff, volunteers, and parents - work together to shepherd children and students in living out their identity as members of the Body of Christ through: Intentional discipleship, Persistent prayer, Sincere community-building, Sacrificial missions, Christ-exalting worship. From early childhood to senior high school, we strive to intentionally disciple our youth through weekly programming, annual retreats and special events, and important cultural spiritual milestones. To learn more about the details of our Roadmap to Spiritual Development, or to learn about our curriculum below in the "Overview" section.
Questions? We've got answers! Click the button below to see a list of frequently asked questions, or send us an email and we would be happy to help.
Central is pleased to announce that GRACE ministries has officially certified our church as a "GRACE Certified Ministry." This certification reflects our diligence and commitment to creating a safer environment for your children. Central has developed a comprehensive, church-wide child safety policy which you can view by clicking on the link below.