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Adult Sunday School Returns!

August 06, 2015

We were not created to walk through life alone.  God designed us to flourish best as part of the family of God, united to God and one another through Christ Jesus. As sisters and brothers to one another in Christ, we grow in spiritual maturity and wisdom by worshiping, learning, and serving in the community of God’s people.

We invite you to commit fully to God and his people by participating in Central’s ministries of spiritual formation. We offer places to connect and belong, to know and be known, to be accepted by the grace of Christ and transformed by the power and love of Christ in every aspect of your life. We hope you find your place and your purpose in the family of God at Central.

If you have questions, or would like help finding the right opportunity for you, please contact Pastor Mike Farley at .

20s & 30s

9am, Classroom B

This community for young adults is a great place to connect, grow, and learn.  This fall, we will read The Art of Neighboring to learn practical ways to share the good news of Jesus in word and deed.

Leadership: Scott & Barb Wait, Pastor Todd & Sherdonna Denholm

My Sunday Family

9am, The Gathering Place

My Sunday Family is a community seeking to connect and support each other while learning to follow Christ together as the family of God.  Our meetings always include teaching and small group discussion as well as time to share life’s joys and struggles and to pray for one another.  This fall, we will study aspects of the Christian life addressed in the letters of Paul.

Leadership: Tyler Stephens and Thom Avery



9am, Parlor

Navigators is a community of mixed ages and stages that seeks a deeper faith and relationships through study, prayer, discussion, and community. This fall, we will use the Gospel Transformation study to learn how to understand and live all of life on the basis of the grace of God in Jesus Christ.  

Leadership: John & Veeda Holmes, Doug Kennedy, Ed & Judy Koehler, Carl Lothman


10:30am, Parlor

Gleaners is a group of men and women of mixed group of ages, marital status, and biblical knowledge who study the Bible to apply it to their lives and seek greater obedience and faithfulness to the glory of God.  This fall, we will study 1st and 2nd Timothy to learn from the apostle Paul’s instructions about the life and ministry of the church.

Leadership: Neal Nielsen


Tags: adults, fall 2015, sunday school

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