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Hope, Opportunity, & COVID

Hope, Opportunity, & COVID

by Ben Tzeng on March 24, 2021

We are living through a pandemic that will be remembered for for generations. It has been extremely challenging and difficult on many different levels. However, despite the many trials and the pain of devastating loss, there are faith leaders who believe we are living in a historic spiritual moment with many people experiencing a crisis of faith. Recent data shows more people are engaging with religion since the start of the pandemic. Bible apps last year were downloaded in recorded numbers, and Google searches for “prayer” and “Christianity” have skyrocketed. Pastors and those that work in evangelism are not surprised as it is believed that it is a response to feelings of disorientation, fragility, and fear caused by the crisis.

I have found this to be the case as well. People are looking for meaning and purpose, and are more open to spiritual conversations and prayer. In the past, it has seemed that the Christian stance was to share with confidence that our lives are all put together, and we put up a façade of success. We then come from a position of pride where we want to help someone be “saved.” The pandemic has brought into focus the reality that we don’t have it all together and we desperately need Christ. This is actually a beautiful, vulnerable picture to share with others. And when the church shares our need for the Gospel and points people to Christ in humility and with transparency, people are able to see how they, too, might find joy, peace, and purpose in the midst of all brokenness, hardship, and trials.

In this season of Easter, what a beautiful time to embrace the Jesus who came to earth to live incarnationally and in obedience to God’s plan, laid his life down for us all. We hope that everyone truly finds the Jesus we see in Scripture. May we experience Him, and know the Good News that we can’t but help share it with others. We hope you would take this opportunity to invite a family member, a neighbor, a friend, a co-worker, or someone you see on a walk in the community to come and participate in any of our Holy week events at Central. For the Holy Week services, there are both in-person (offer to make reservations for your guest!) or on-line.  We have heard wonderful stories of people joining us at home on their own or gathering together with a friend or small group to watch and worship together.

If you still wonder what that looks like to invite a friend to church or enter into a spiritual conversation with someone, I hope you will consider Christianity Explored. This workshop is designed to prepare and equip anyone to engage with confidence people who are wondering about the meaning of life or who are curious about Jesus. You’ll learn how to point people in your life to Christ and lead them to Scripture where they can encounter Christ themselves. The next Christianity Explored workshop this Saturday, Mar 27, from 10-11:30am, and you can register for this online event HERE.

God is calling us to pray and in Him we find hope, even in the midst of a pandemic. I continue to anticipate the amazing work that God will continue to do and I look forward to the ways He is calling more to come and partner in His Kingdom work. 

Tags: evangelism, hope, christianity, pandemic

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