by John McGowan on December 18, 2024
New Community Groups at Central
March 05, 2025
Did you know that Central has a Resource Oversight Committee? Its purpose is to monitor and oversee the financial and physical assets of the church. Along with Pat Stark and Jennah Purk, I’ve had the joyful privilege of serving on this committee in recent years and as a result I have a firsthand look at our church’s financial health. We are truly blessed as a ministry. The Lord God continues to proclaim His gospel through our ministry, transforming lives down the block and around the world through the generosity of you, Central’s faithful members.
Most of you have heard about our December financial goal of $1.25 million. This is the amount we need to fully fund our 2024 annual ministry budget. Some of you might be wondering, how is our annual ministry budget making an impact? I want to share with you a few observations in that regard, because in addition to being on our Resource Oversight Committee, I have also been very active in our Missions Ministry over the years. God is doing amazing things through your generosity and our Missions Ministry.
Our Missions Ministry is the biggest ministry component of our annual budget. Through it, we provide funding for 87 different missionaries and mission agencies down the block and around the world. Over the years, I’ve been able to see firsthand how God is using our generosity to save souls and to build His Kingdom through our Missions Ministry.
Most recently, I travelled to Honduras to visit the Micah Project this past year. Central provides significant funding for it every year through our annual ministry budget. For those of you who don’t know about the Micah Project, it is a mission started by Michael Miller, a son of our church who grew up in our church and was called by God to join His mission by starting the Micah Project. The project has grown abundantly over the years. Michael and his team work tirelessly to save kids on the streets of Honduras, bringing them the hope of Jesus Christ and also shelter and provision for a better life. Recently, Michael and his team began a new component of their ministry called “Micah Works.” This initiative is focused on helping these kids to develop skills and competencies for work that will empower them to make a new life for themselves. It’s an amazing new dimension to an amazing ministry.
When you give to our December goal this month, this is part of what you are supporting. And it is just one of many life-changing ministries that are happening because of your generosity here at Central.
So today I join my voice with Pastor Clay and invite each of you to support our effort to reach our December goal of $1.25 million. It will ensure that our ministry is fulfilled this year, and will put us in great position as we begin 2025.
Lastly, when we reach the $1.25 million goal I want to make sure that you know that we will dedicate 50% of all gifts above the goal to ADDITIONAL funding for Missions Ministry. Beyond our annual ministry, we will be able to do even more.
Is your generosity having an impact? Yes! Thank you for joining us this month, dear friends.
John McGowan
Ruling Elder and Resource Oversight Committee Member
March 05, 2025
December 09, 2024
October 13, 2024