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Lenten Resources for Your Family

by Karen Brown on February 25, 2022

As we approach the Lenten season, the team and I want to encourage your family toward an intentional and meaningful Easter worship experience. 

First, you’ll want to mark your calendars to visit our indoor and outdoor Holy Week Stations.  These powerful, reflective, and self-paced stations are wonderful for a personal or family devotion for all ages. The indoor, multi-sensory stations will be open on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday afternoons from 3:00-7:00pm in the Student Center. The outdoor devotional stations will be along the Hanley sidewalk and available at any time during Holy Week. No registration required. 

And as we all journey toward resurrection Sunday, be sure to watch for your family’s Holy Week Passports (mailed to all KidCentral families). Have your kids carry their passport as you travel together toward the empty tomb on Easter morning. Starting with Palm Sunday, they can use it to help them listen for key words, make notes of what they observe, and color the illustration for each service. And make sure they don’t forget to “stamp” their passport with the sticker for each corresponding Holy Week “destination” along the way (stickers are included in the mailing). Note: Extra passports will be available at church or you can print more HERE

We’re also resurrecting our Easter Egg videos – which provide an engaging way to count town the final days of Lent and learn more about the Easter story. Simply click on each video link below and you’ve got a virtual set and devotion leader: 

Egg 1: Donkey
Egg 2: Coins
Egg 3: Cup
Egg 4: Praying Hands
Egg 5: Leather
Egg 6: Crown
Egg 7: Nails
Egg 8: Die
Egg 9: Spear
Egg 10: Gauze
Egg 11: Stone
Egg 12: Empty

Other Lenten/Easter resources are:

The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross  (Book. Elementary and younger)

Why Does Resurrection Matter? (Middle school and older)

And as you make family plans or invite friends to worship, I wanted to make sure you are aware of the upcoming Easter week schedule:

  • Palm Sunday – normal Sunday school and service schedule
  • Maundy Thursday  7pm: Nursery available for 8 wks- 3 yrs 
  • Good Friday “Shadows” Service  7pm: Nursery available for 8 wks- 3 yrs 
  • Easter Sunday: Forest Park Sunrise Service at 7am. CPC Services at 9am and 10:45am. No Children’s Church on Easter morning. Nursery available at CPC services for 8 wks – 3 yrs. 

Please watch Spotlight or Central’s website for more details about Easter and upcoming spring events at Central. 

I’m praying that God will open our eyes to the hope of Christ this Easter. Please let me know how I can better support you and your family. 

In Christ,

Karen Brown and the Family Ministry Team

PS  Click HERE for more about Family MInistry's special events, our ministry overview, resources, and more. 

Tags: resources, easter, lent

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