by Mike Farley on March 05, 2025
Is Your Generosity Having an Impact?
December 18, 2024
Are you searching for a way to connect and grow with others at Central? Or are you starting to get connected but want to go deeper with others? One good place to do that is a community group. No matter what you call them (community groups, C-groups, small groups, etc.), these sorts of groups offer a unique kind of opportunity for connection and community, growth and care. Most community groups meet in the comfortable and informal setting of a home, which makes the group feel more a family gathering than a class. Although the membership of groups can vary as needed, community groups offer the potential to gather a diverse group of people who are younger and older, single and married, with and without children. Central’s groups follow many different formats, but they all share common goals: to know and be known, to love one another in Christ, to share life together and help bear one another’s burdens, and to help one another grow personally in knowing and serving God. Central’s community groups can be places to eat, share, learn, weep, laugh, sing, pray, hope, serve, and belong.
We are hoping to start more community groups at Central in 2025. If you are interested in learning more about attending, hosting, and/or leading a group, come join us at the church for lunch and discussion in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, March 30, 12:30-1:30 p.m. or for a discussion after Community Night dinner in the Parlor on Wednesday, April 2, 6:00-7:00 p.m. Childcare is available on both Sunday and Wednesday. You will hear stories and testimonies from a panel of Central members who belong to different community groups. The panel will share what their particular groups do and how God has been using their groups to help people have a space and place, to feel cared for and connected. And we will also help you learn what joining or even organizing and leading a community group could look like. Come and see if you might be a part of connecting more deeply with our church family through new community groups.
If you are coming for lunch on Sunday, please register at the link HERE so that we will know how much food to prepare and any needs for childcare that you will have. (The deadline for lunch registrations is Monday, March 24.)
Are you interested but cannot come to either discussion on March 30 or April 2? You can still sign up to learn more or to join or form a community group by filling out the brief interest form HERE.
For more information, contact Pastor Mike Farley ( ; 314-630-5702).
December 18, 2024
December 09, 2024
October 13, 2024