by Karen Brown on August 19, 2022
New Community Groups at Central
March 05, 2025
If you’ve spent any time as a parent, I don’t have to tell you that there is no parenting book, podcast, or class that has all the answers. Not even close. I also don’t have to tell you that what “works” with one child rarely works with the next. And you’re probably already wise to avoid those who are quick to offer simplistic strategies for raising those complicated-but-wonderful sinners who live with us.
Now that my four children are nearly grown, I spend much of my time looking back at all the things I would have done differently when they were young. And I’m also often wondering how to grow with them into the next season of parenting adults. When should I speak up, and when do I simply listen? How do I know when to rescue and when to offer “tough love”? Is it too late to make a difference? The only thing worse than having all these questions is trying to answer them alone. The Enemy strikes hard when we are isolated – especially in parenting.
We were never meant to parent or grandparent alone. In community, we can be reminded that we aren’t the only ones who feel clueless, overwhelmed, and even ashamed on the regular. We can learn much from others’ perspectives and experiences. Together, we have more strength to reorient expectations, resist lies, and laugh in the face of it all.
If you are a parent or grandparent of any stage, will you join me for some weekly learning and laughter? Our Parenting Pow-Wow will meet on Wednesday nights this fall, starting on September 7th, and I can’t wait to circle up with you around our parenting questions.
The focus of this semester-long class (Sept 7 – Nov 16) will be on parenting and discipleship through various stages of development/life. The first half of each session, I’ll introduce a different parenting concept/topic for the group to think about and discuss together. I’ll be sure to bring anything helpful I’ve found on that particular topic and invite the group to compare notes and discuss.
The second half of the hour will be reserved for Q&A. Each week, everyone will have an opportunity to anonymously submit a question for panelists to answer – such as: How do you survive sibling fighting/teen angst/rebellion? Any good tips for fostering good conversations with your kids? Etc… What did you do when your kids wouldn’t eat/do homework/go to Sunday school…
To answer our anonymous questions on parenting and grandparenting, I’ve created a lineup of fun and friendly folks to take turns serving as panelists for 2-3 weeks at a time; representing various stages of parenting/grandparenting. These panelists want everyone to know that they are NOT experts in parenting – but only in receiving and/or recognizing God’s grace. I will do a little screening/managing of the questions – saving some for visiting professional counselors to answer in November when they come to serve as panelists for the final two classes in November.
My goal for the Parenting Pow-Wow is for all to leave each class session with a bigger view of God and His grace for them during these parenting/grandparenting years. My prayer is that we all go home every Wednesday night feeling more hopeful, more confident, and more connected as we live to parent another day.
Hope to see you there!
March 05, 2025
December 18, 2024
December 09, 2024