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Supporting Ukraine

Supporting Ukraine

by Tim Page on March 17, 2022

Knowing that there are many needs emerging in Ukraine, we want to share with you that our Missions team is sending financial support in the cumulative amount of $10,000 (several different gifts to several different groups) through our known missionary connections in Ukraine to give immediate help where it is needed most. This support is made possible by the amazing generosity that you provided at the end of 2021 in our year-end appeal as well as additional donations that have been received in recent days. For those of you who desire to continue help, you are welcome to make a gift to our Missions Special Fund and we will continue to support Ukraine relief efforts through our connections in the weeks ahead. Most importantly, please continue to pray with us for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. Questions? Feel free to contact Pastor Ben.

Pray for Ukraine

Pray for refuge

Ask God to be the fortress & shield of the Ukrainian people (Psalm 144)

Pray for those in authority

Ask God to help them respond with wisdom, godliness, & holiness (1 Timothy 2)

Pray for peace

Ask God to allow the peace of christ to rule in the hearts of all men (Colossians 3:15)

Did You Know? 

  •  2021 Marked the 30th year of Central's ministry with our sister church, Khortitsa Church, in Zaporozhye, Ukraine?
  • Over the years, many Central members have traveled to Ukraine to offer medical services, conduct conferences, and support children's Bible camps.
  • Over the years, more than a dozen "daughter" churches have been planted, a Sunday school building, and a medical clinic.
  • Central missionaries, Igor and Lena Yaremchuk head up the local seminary. In 2021, there were more than 500 students learning to share the Gospel with the Ukrainian people.,


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