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The French (Toast) Connection

by Jeff Brown on June 17, 2022

When it comes to relationships, it can seem as if food has magical powers. Is there an easier, better way to get to know someone than by breaking bread together? Whether it’s going out to lunch, having people over for dinner, or just meeting for a cup of coffee, the presence of food and beverages creates a shared experience, can help put nerves at ease, and helps us connect with one another. These connections are vital to how we are made and a rich blessing of being part of a community like Central.

As pastor Clay reminds us each week, we are seeking the transformation of our lives, our communities, and the world through the renewing work of Jesus Christ, for the glory of God. Connecting is one of the primary ways we seek this transformation. Naturally, as a church we want to foster as many opportunities as possible for you to make these connections.

This is the heart and focus of our summer brunches which begin July 10. Take a simplified Sunday morning schedule (no Sunday school classes), add some delicious food (french toast casserole anyone?), and the stage is set to catch up with old friends, make some new ones, and simply enjoy being together. Particularly given the experience we’ve all had the past two years, the opportunity to be blessed by community is indeed welcome.

Central’s brunches are free, take place between our Sunday morning services, and offer a perfect opportunity to invite friends, family, and neighbors to church. After all, who can say no to brunch?

2022 Brunch Menu

July 10

Ham & Biscuit Bar
Boursin Cheese Potatoes
Baked Eggs
Toffee Apple Pie Bars

July 17

French Toast Casserole
Ham & Gruyere Potatoes
Cream Puffs

July 24

Cowboy Casserole
Sweet Potatoes
Caramel Rolls

July 31

Cheesy Bagel Egg Casserole
Cinnamon Roll Bread Pudding

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